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Dance performance (40') with and by Sara Capossele, Elena Rolando, Vanessa Michielon, Gabriel Beddoes and Silvia Grosso.


In dote deals with invisible connections and reciprocal influences inside groups and employs videoprojection as a counterpoint to feelings and body movements on stage.

The performance was presented to the audience during the Festival “Piattaforma 2013. Teatro coreografico” in Turin, July 2013.



Produced by “Co.Dance.Abitare Corpi. Abitare Luoghi.” / CRUD – Università degli Studi di Torino with the contribution of Regione Piemonte and Dipartimento della Gioventù della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri //  Ass. Didee - Build up! Project with the contribution of Città di Torino – Politiche Giovanili – Bando da Giovane a Giovane.

Graphics: Jacopo Landi

Photo: Federica Cerberaro

Photo: Angelo Bellotti

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